
As the World Turns

The current political and social climate does not point in the majority of our favors. It appears that the plan, whether we voted for it or not, is to walk-it-back, stripping a lot of what was put in place to better the economic, social, health, and environmental inequities.

History has shown us that when we can’t rely upon our elected officials to fight for our rights and best interests, we’re capable of surviving and at times thriving, by getting it done ourselves. It was our ancestors’ fights and wisdom in working with other marginalized groups that helped this country recognize rights for everyone. I really feel that in these coming years, we will all benefit from building and supporting community which we can hopefully trust and rely upon. What better place to start than with family.

You know the expression, “When America sneezes, the world catches a cold?” Well, when things go sideways, we also know that Black, Brown, elderly and other marginalized groups will get the worst of it.

Please register for our family directory. With what’s coming our way, the difference between a good day and a fail might be as simple as getting an easy recipe for the ingredients in your fridge, a job lead, a discount at a retailer, health or legal information, figuring out how to work this “doohickey,” help with your kid’s math homework, or even just a conversation with someone outside your current circle who shares a similar interest. I’m hoping that we can create that here.

Front: center to right, Mattie (Goodman), Annie (Lassiter) Savage, Luella (Savage) Harrell; Back: Adell (Savage) Knight, Oral Lee (Savage) Barnes, Alice (Harrell) Savage, Roland Savage, Robert Savage

Our Family Tree

View our family tree and learn a bit about the lives of our ancestors. Feel free to leave comments, share pictures and stories.

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