About Me
About Me
I guess you can say I’m the self-appointed family historian, but who knows, after this gets rolling. I just may find that there are some other genealogy researchers on this tree. I’m a wife, mother of one, sister, and daughter of elderly parents.
I work in healthcare, know what it’s like to have and to have not, am naturally an introvert, and probably more empathetic than most (but nobody’s fool). So, I am highly sensitive to the everyday challenges we all face. I am a science and sci-fi geek, a music and arts lover, a pretty decent gardener (my happy place), and am part of Generation X, who I feel has had the broadest youth experience in recent generations.
The Goal
The goal of this social network is to grow our personal community by making new or re-establishing old family connections. The hope is that we can create a safe place where we can all feel safe to share about our lives, ask for and offer help or support. This is a location where we can also share information about outside resources and events that we feel may benefit the family as a whole. At a minimum, user registrations will permit me to create a family directory available for email or hard copy delivery.
Please trust that this will not be a space for misinformation. The expectation is that we share this link with family only and that we all use our best judgment when communicating with each other. You currently have the freedom to decide who you do/do not want to see your posts, who you befriend and the freedom to choose your language as you see fit.
Please note, there are direct messaging options. If everyone uses appropriate judgment (know your audience), I can stay out of the sandbox, and avoid having to place restrictions on language and activity. I want “you” to be “you” but not at the expense of the greater good. Please see the below requests. They are the closest I plan to get to user terms and conditions.

Let’s be fair
Please, let’s all be considerate and mindful of treating others with respect regardless of their beliefs, or background. Feel free to respectfully speak your truth, but please no trolling or demeaning one another.

Let’s be inclusive
When possible, please try to share outside resources or posts that may benefit the family as a whole. The goal is for all family to feel more included versus isolated when they visit.

Sharing is caring
Please let’s make this a place for giving, if not both giving and taking. Giving can be a tip, advice, link to a helpful resource or even just social engagement.

“Let’s strengthen our tribe.“
– Keisha Moore
I Got You Administrator
Geometric images by Lea L on Unsplash