Hello Fresh Freebies

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Hey Family.  If anyone is interested in trialing Hello Fresh, I have codes for free trial meal prep kit boxes.  You can order a box consisting of 2-3 meals for up to 4 people.  You only have to pay for shipping.  After the first box, you can keep your account and choose each week whether you want meals or  you can cancel the account.  Message me if you want to order a meal prep box.

Keisha Moore
Author: Keisha Moore

I grew up in Queens, NY, but have lived in other areas of the country. I am a pretty easygoing, empathetic introvert by nature. I’m a wife and mother of one, and the daughter of independent-living parents (Gladys (Savage Davis) and Calvin Chesson), born in the period between The Great Depression and the Baby Boomers. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by profession, and specialize in working with elderly adults. I love science, gardening, the arts, including music (especially old school hip-hop, R&B and funk). I follow politics and am particularly interested in learning little known black history, and keeping track of changes and events that will impact our Black and marginalized communities.

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